Sunday, September 16, 2012

Stylescope Quiz [HG]

...Shush. I like quizes. This one is from HomeGoods!

My results: The Traveler
The Traveler is curious about all the corners of the world, whether she's visited them or dreams of going. She welcomes stories into her home through the finds of hidden bazaars and curio counters the world over. She doesn't just look forward to her next trip; she lives abroad in her own home everyday.

I'm also a touch of "set sail". 


Friday, July 13, 2012

Nickelodeon TMNT Game: Dark Horizons [thoughts]

our four terrapin heroes
This isn't really a professional review or super-descriptive breakdown of the game...just a fangirl expressing some excitement over's current gameplay for TMNT.

I really loved these action stills

The overall style is very appealing. The intro is simple (pretty much this load screen, some still pictures that act like storyboard pieces [no text], and quick-paced transitions), but fun to watch.

load screen

For a show/game directed mostly towards the younger crowd, I think it plays decent homage to the comics! Of course, this is only a game...but I take it as a good prequel of things to come.

Anyway, moving on past the intro, the object of the game appears to be to beat monsters and (possibly?) find someone/something? That part wasn't very clear to me, but I'd guess others would actually know.

character selection

At any rate, we're given the option to start off with one of the four turtles, whose states on agility, defense, attack, and range differentiate very much from one to the other. Mikey is high on agility but low on defense, Don has the best range, Raph has the greatest attack, and Leo is the all-around stats character.

literally drop right into the action

 I chose Leo first, of course, because he's my favorite turtle...but they all are fun to play! (I personally think I handle Michelangelo the best)

After choosing your turtle (and going through another loading screen), you're immediately dropped into the sewers to go to work. No problem, it guides you through well enough without too much text or any annoying pauses - just quick notes that save you the trouble of randomly smacking your keyboard.

easy enough

 Using your four arrow keys, you can jump [↑], run [←] / [→], dodge/defend [↓], or a combination of things! Such as dashing (tapping left and/or right arrow key twice), wall-jump climbing (staying close against the wall and [↑]x2), and so on. Besides [↑], you can also use [x] to jump, and [z] allows you to toss shuriken, when you come across them.

My suggestions would be to take your time and just have fun exploring everything. Enemies come at completely random times, in completely random numbers. They're super easy to beat (about 3-4 hits), but watch out for your environment, as a careless move could have you stepping in painful ooze or falling into an abyss. Yikes.

switching is optional early on
Luckily, you can switch turtles upon coming across a small pad (hard to miss, it has a down pointing arrow with the words "Switch turtles" hovering over it) - and your bros can even join you in a particular section of the sewers. Sweet!

Raph joins Mikey, Don joins Leo (vice versa, both)
All in all, it's just a lot of fun, and a great preview of what's to come from Nickelodeon on our four shelled heroes. I'm even more excited than I originally was, for sure.

But as said, this is just an online game or two. Still. Franchise of any kind, especially with nearly three more months of waiting ahead of us, is worth some fanfare. I'm happy to say, this was a small but relatively significant ease of my wariness to the new turtles, overall.

Monday, July 9, 2012


I'm ridiculously picky with Dirk's characterization...specifically in relationships.

...Relationships in general...

Just. Happy or go home. I'm just too invested, don't mind me do what you want

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Shelling Out Justice

I'm crazy excited for the new TMNT series that's supposed to air on Nickelodeon in the fall. I have my worries, of course, but for now I'm just going to be a good nerd and pretty much wet myself in excitement.
^from the official trailer, which you can see on the site, I believe! (Check youtube, if it's gone)

I can't say much on it. The turtles look great, admittedly better than I expected when I found out it was going to be CGI-animated (a type of animation I respect, but can't help being wary of - probably because I'm one of THOSE people).

There's already a fun and wide range of expressions, the voices (from what little I've heard) seem to fit, the premiere is being built up early, and I've been spotting some pretty sweet merch across the web. Pretty sweet.

I'll be writing on this more and more, as we get other trailers, information, and so on...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Spoiled Goods

Did I mention how sad the new TMNT comic, now published by IDW, is in JUST the first set (Raphael)? No? Let me show you, then.


Yeah. I had to put it down for a while. Interesting to see our boys that way, though. I want to draw them in 'modern' apparel.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Not quite dusty, yet

Went to the Barnes and Noble on US 1 highway today. The big two story one.

I know it's silly, but I find that it's kind of exciting...I rarely get to go to two-story book stores, so I get a little giddy.

Anyways, got a few things with some Christmas money...a new sketchbook (purely for illustrations and practice), 75% off Xmas and holiday cards for next year (I WILL BE PREPARED!), an issue of The Economist, and One Piece manga volume 1. I never did finish the manga or the anime - both of which were (and, I hear, ARE still) good. I want to take the time to enjoy it, again - fully, this time.

Of course, then my mom, being as awesome as she is, revealed a sneaky gift she bought for me while I was off searching for things:

Happy (belated) Birthday to me~!

Still, I'd like to head back and maybe get one of those wooden model figures...I need to practice drawing more realistic anatomy, again! In fact, I'm trying my hand at it, now...

[my oc, Pike]

That's really all there is to report, at the moment. I'm going to keep drawing, then hopefully head to bed BEFORE 6 AM. For once.

-This has been a post

Friday, January 13, 2012

Good Year

Got these at the comic book store, Tate's

Yeah, it's going to be my 20th birthday, come Sunday. I can hardly believe it.

I have the best friends to ever walk the face of the Earth - and without it even being the actual DAY, this birthday is already the BEST:

The Dave - from Nacho/Rachel

TMNT are cool, bro - from - MasterFranny

 And, for fun, I drew some pictures for my friends, in Paintbrush...

So much fun in a such a short time.

If this is all of 2012, I'm really up for it!